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It is with great pride and honor that I greet you through this page. Being the Principal of Sai Ram College of Education is a humbling experience which one cherished with great humility. At Sai Ram College of Education, we believe that each pupil-teacher is special and has the potential to excel in many different ways. As we look forward to the future, an institute that provides the knowledge, skills, abilities, attitude and beliefs that are essential for a productive and successful life. We recognize that these goals are best achieved to whom the institute provides an environment in which teacher educates, staff and others develop and practice core values that benefit the academic, emotional & social needs of all pupil-teacher. Through carefully crafted interaction and activities within and outside the classroom, we provide experience that helps the pupil- teacher discover innate capabilities, set life long goals and proactively work towards their fulfillment. The college has as its backbone excellent infrastructure; the teaching laboratories and general acilities are amongst the best. The college has several career-oriented teaching programs it will soon be introducing adjunct modules to enrich and add value to the teaching progrommes.
Dr. Lalit Kumar